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Whether you are a marketer or a business owner, subscribe to our blog and get your weekly dose of digital marketing. From local online marketing to SEO, PPC and social media, GoRanker experts will share their knowledge on a regular basis so you can learn how to get more traffic and outshine your competition.
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15 Expert Marketing Insights With Practical Applications and Powerful Impact

15 Expert Marketing Insights With Practical Applications and Powerful Impact


2015 is almost over, which brings us the opportunity to reflect on this year’s experiences, insights and emergent trends in the fascinating world of digital marketing. Our conclusion is this: it all comes down to what you choose to cultivate – a consumer oriented culture with an innovative edge and an authentic value, or a logocentric brand that rides the wave of consumer expectations using hype as fuel.

What is your choice?


How To Successfully Market Your Local Business


In order to learn how to build a strong marketing plan for your local business, you first need to fully understand the impact search engines have on our lives.

Search Engines and Their Impact On Our Lives


From an average Joe’s point of view, search engines are a gift from God. The process of finding the answer to something is not time consuming any longer and the response is immediate. Search engines allow users to compare different results in order to make an assumed decision.

But let us analyse things from a marketer’s standpoint. We, as marketers, need to understand the complex process a buyer goes through until their objective is met. Our primary directive is to help lead potential customers to our clients, as a result of their keyword search.




You are  driving along a deserted road in a car that reads ‘screeching tires’ and all of a sudden, millions of marketers appear, volunteering to lead you to their Shop, a.k.a Result Page, in the hope you will fix your car there. Of course, each and every single one of these suggestions aims to be taken into account. How can you compete for a customer, when there are millions of business who will do the exact same thing that you do? For instance, some may advertise to a Car Repair Shop 25 miles from your current location while others may be only 2 miles away. Is proximity a guarantee for service quality? Some suggestions may have a stronger voice and a lower service quality. Others may have fine service standard, but lack in the marketing department.  


So, how can you attract buyers to your small business?


Types of Marketing Strategies For Promoting Local Businesses


Despite common misbelief, marketing does not only refer to advertising or sales promotion. Marketing is the process by which a business decides what, to whom, when and how will sell and then does it.


Social Marketing


A consistent online presence is they key that will make your local business be heard. It is in your business’ best interest to create an interactive online presence to engage customers. Your customers are online, so all you have to do is reach out to them. A smart social strategy will make you stand out from the hundreds similar businesses in your area.

Social Media is an easy and powerful way to drive business. Therefore, creating a sense of a community will likely draw potential customers to your local company. Be wary of what you choose to post. Internet users have a short attention span so stay clear of long text posts and opt for images with a fun twist, engaging visuals that may be both practical and inspiring.


Pro-tip: The comment section is where the community comes together. Try and start a conversation with your followers.


Pro-tip: Create an online contest. The number of participants and new potential leads will be well worth the price.


Google Local Business


Google local business tips by GoRanker


Once you have created your social accounts, make sure you are local. A local business profile for all major search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) is necessary. You need to fill out your business contact information  and details such as phone number, address, operating hours and so on.


Mobile Optimization


Google Analytics will show you your visitors’ behaviour, as well as whether they used the mobile version or the web platform. Not having a mobile friendly page is the same as not letting more than half of your customers in the shop. Moreover, the users’ behaviousr are different. Mobile buyers follow a different pattern than PC users. They need quick small-sized information, they tend to hurry and study shows that mobile users are impulsive and tend to spend more.


On-Page SEO


We cannot stress enough how important On-page SEO is for local businesses. Deciding which keywords to target is indeed vital. On-page optimization is as crucial to your business as using the right keywords.  

Title: It has to be short and simple. A common misbelief is that it is best if you try and cram a multitude of keywords in it. Pick a title that will attract people into clicking it.

Meta Description: Best use it as a call to action. However, if you insist on keywords, a brief description of the site is sufficient. It should not be longer than Twitter’s 140 characters and should clarify the purpose of the business without being too over-explicit. This is the best place to include the name of the city as keyword, so that users know the result is relevant to the location.

Interlinking: Organize your pages in a fluid manner so that the navigation is streamlined for your visitors.

Google+ Authorship: Implementing Google + authorship on your website will allow your image to appear next to the listing i the search results, drawing your visitor’s eyes to your site, increasing the chances they will click through.

Page Loading Time: Slow page loading time will influence web and mobile users and will have a negative impact on both web and mobile users, causing them to leave your site.


Direct Mail


Direct mail, or even direct email, is one of the greatest marketing strategies for local businesses. Did you know that 91% of consumers check their email immediately and 66% of them have made a purchase online as a result of email marketing? This adds up to a 4.300% return on investment. The key to a successful direct mail strategy is targeting audience. It is advisable you do your own research prior to sending out mail to potential customers. As for direct e-mail, if you don’t have a landing page or a website, create one. Use opt-in forms and give incentives to your online visitors to sign-up to your newsletters. Then make a list of your subscribers and break it down by geographic area, demographics and income. There are tens of free tools to help you automatize e-mail marketing campaigns, one of them being MailChimp (free for businesses with up to 2000 subscribers).

Direct mail marketing tips by GoRanker

Case Study


According to a recent report from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the year 2014 was a prolific year for entrepreneurs everywhere.

What does a small business need to thrive? A combination of hard work, drive and creativity with a dash of luck. But the most important ingredient is a sense of connectedness to a community.


Green Flash Brewing Co. is a brewery based in San Diego, California and was founded by Mike and Lisa Hinkley in 2002. Today, the company leads a team of like-minded enthusiasts who share a love for craft artisan beer. Their product is the result of labor and love, passion and zeal.


But how did they manage to thrive?


Being local is the answer. Established in 2001 as an independent local craft brewery, Green Flash achieved great success with the launch of their WestCoast IPA beer. After that, the Hinkley family realised that they hit a gold-mine: artisan beer. From here on, they developed a marketing strategy that involved expanding their product range and distribution network, while maintaining a beer-first philosophy all throughout the process. Social media has helped the company build a strong relationship with its customers locally and then nationally.


What sets this company apart from hundreds similar others?


Based in the beer wonderland that San Diego is, Green Flash managed to stand out from the 100 current operating brewhouses. The secret is the sense of community they skillfully manufactured. Being a customer meant being part of the big family that the company is all about. Staying visible at all times and constant innovations helped them expand all over the U.S. Now,based on sales volume,  they are the fourth brewery in San Diego, and 48th nationally, delivering to over 17 states.



Great stories like the one above teach us that there are a lot of contributing factors to great success. What we can deduce is that the quality of the service is as important as how we sell it.


It’s not a question of if and when, it’s a matter of how you do it. Grabbing the attention is no longer enough. Holding the attention is what matters most in a successful marketing strategy.


The Digital Marketing Hacks Proven To Speed Up Business Growth (II)


As described in the first part of the The Digital Marketing Hacks Proven To Speed Up Business Growth article, growth hacking can be successfully integrated in every aspect of a business, and social media together with remarketing make no exception.

These are exactly the areas we’re going to focus in this article, sharing a few key tips on how to get more results faster by simply tweaking existing tools and strategies:


  1. Hack Your Social Media

Combine your social media action plan with growth hacking tactics, and next time you’ll take a look at your analytics report, the chances are you’ll see the face of Hulk winking back to you – that’s how powerful this combination can be.

Here’s how to achieve this:


  • find and connect with influencers from your industry. Quote their knowledge in the content you’re creating and mention them when you share said content on social networks;
  • create a loyal audience by actively engaging with your followers, steady and new. The principle is simple: if you show genuine interest, you’ll also receive genuine attention, creating a win-win situation;
  • leverage Twitter’s potential by fully using its features: embed relevant tweets into your site’s content (learn how to do this here); install Click to Tweet tool which will allow your readers to share short relevant insights from your blog posts; build a “stalker list” with people from your industry; create relevant hashtags and promote them by constantly using them in your tweets; regularly engage in group chats: the #vcbuzz hashtag and are a good place to start.; use twitter as a customer service channel – nothing can beat real time conversations and transparency;
  • learn how to properly use facebook’s advanced targeting tools and run advertising campaigns for different goals such as increasing page audience, website traffic, conversions etc.;
  • post and promote your clients’ testimonials and even tag their social media accounts for a better visibility. Word of mouth marketing is very powerful and missing out on this opportunity would be a shame;
  • include Call to Actions and ask your followers to share: it’s unbelievable how many people pass on this incredible opportunity of having their content redistributed – while it does have its own rules and common sense etiquette, social media is not the place to be shy.


Case study

When GeoRanker, a company that provides powerful SEO tools for online businesses, became a part of GoRanker, the digital marketing team focused their efforts on social media which was, up until that point, underutilized. Twitter became the main social media tool and it was used to participate in group chats and connect with influencers. Shortly after implementing these strategies, both GoRanker and GeoRanker have seen an increase in engagement, traffic and exposure.

Take a look at one of our first tweets analytics, days after we just started:
GeoRanker social media case study


4. Hack Your Customer Interaction


At first glance, customer interaction in a digital environment is a simple process: people search the web for an answer to their needs, they land on your website and, as a natural consequence, some acquire your product/service, while others don’t; some may need customer support or additional information, others may not. But customer interaction has much more aspects and phases that what’s visible, and almost all of them can be improved through growth hacking:


  • create and stick with an user-friendly interface. I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again: website optimization and customer interaction go hand in hand. You cannot have a slow-loading website with a complicated interface and expect visitors to manage. People lose patience and the web has taught us all to expect everything smoothly and fast;
  • add a warm, personal touch to your polite business tone;
  • optimize transactional speed. Transactional points and checkout options should be designed to ensure the fastest transaction time because, you know, time is money;
  • add opt-in forms in your content: by using this simple hack you can increase your subscribers list and customer base tenfold- see the case study below;
  • offer amazing customer support. ALWAYS.
  • ask both your audience and your existing customers questions by using short surveys or newsletters. This simple action can become very stimulating and nurture further interactions and ideas.
  • use remarketing strategies to make people who have already visited your site come back. There are multiple tools you can use to include this process in your overall marketing strategy, one of them being Google Remarketing, which allows you to use different remarketing ads for different stages of your signup funnel.
  • last but not least: provide undeniable value and 1. people will come back for more. 2. happy customers generate word of mouth marketing. Need we say more?


Case study


Brian Dean of Backlinko increased post conversion by 785% in one day by inserting links to free digital assets, in exchange for contact details, at the top and the bottom of that specific post.

You can read all about it here.

conversion rate increase case study

This article is the second in a three-part series. Stay tuned for the third part!

Your Guide To Content Marketing – Infographic


Content marketing – a necessity for every business in order to stand out from the digital crowd. But, in order to reap its benefits, it needs to be based on a solid strategy and the right tools, from sourcing content to writing it and disseminating the information. Take a look at the infographic below for some interesting data and very useful tips:


a visual guide to content marketing by GoRanker